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Objective: To determine the clinical and hematological parameters in patients with Dengue fever
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the Dengue isolation unit of Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. All 205 patients admitted from from January 2011 to December 2013 with confirmed Dengue fever of either gender and all ages were enrolled in the study. Patients who were treated as Dengue fever on suspicion basis or mixed infections were excluded from the study. Data included patient gender, age, duration of febrile illness, skin rash, history of bleeding (from any site), length of hospital stay, Hemoglobin level, hematocrit, total leukocyte count, platelets count, presence of Malarial parasites, Dengue IgM / IgG serology (by Elisa), and NS1 antigen detection (in some cases). The relevant data parameters were analyzed using STAT A software version 2.0.
Results: The number of males was 31.29+13.65 years, while females were 12 (5.85%). Ages of patients were in the range of 10-65 years. Mean age was 31.29+13.65 years. The average duration of symptoms of these patients was 4-5 days, and hospital stay was 2.5 days. The history of typical rash and purpura was seen in 56 (28%) patients.
Twenty-eight patients presented with history of some bleeding episode (13.9%). Dengue shock syndrome was seen in 2 patients. Dengue IgM antibodies were positive in all patients while IgG was positive in 34 cases (16.6%). NS1 antigen was done in 76 patients and was positive in 62 patients (81.6%). The Total Leukocyte count ranged from 1600 to 9000 /mm3, and mean TLC was 4283+1919 / mm3. The Platelets count ranged from 15000 to 271000, with mean of 69290 /mm3 +50820.5. The Hematocrit ranged from 33-49.1 % with a mean of 42% +4.1.
Conclusion: This study highlights the clinical and laboratory features of Dengue fever and is intended to share these with the primary care clinicians to help them in managing such cases.
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