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Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the frequency of complications of stapled haemorrhoidectomy
for symptomatic haemorrhoids.
Material and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in Surgical “D” unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital,
Peshawar from March, 2006 to February, 2008. A total of sixty patients were included in this study. All patients were
admitted through OPD with complaints of bleeding per rectum and/or something coming out of the anus, painful
defecation, constipation and pruritis ani for variable periods of time. They were diagnosed to have grade II or grade
III haemorrhoids. Diagnosis was made by proctoscopy. Indications for operation were the same as for conventional
open haemorrhoidectomy. All patients underwent stapled haemorrhoidectomy electively after full preparation and
counselling. Complications were divided into early and late, occurring within or later than 7 days respectively.
Results: There were no perioperative complications. Out of 60 patients, 9 (15%) patients experienced some sort of
complication either early or late. Amongst the early complications, 1(1.6%) patient had major bleeding, 2(3.33%)
patients had minor bleeding, 3(5%) patients had moderate anal pain (requiring analgesia), 1 (1.6%) patient had
urinary retention. Amongst the late complications, 1(1.6%) patient had chronic anal pain, 1(1.6%) patient had anal
fissure, 2(3.33%) patients presented with recurrence at the 4th month of follow up, and 1(1.6%) patient had persistent
Conclusion: Stapled haemorrhoidectomy is one of the most effective treatment for symptomatic haemorrhoidal
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