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Waqar Alam Jan
Gul-e- Lala
Arif Raza Khan
Viqar Aslam
Sajjad Muhammad Khan
Shahidullah Ahmad


Objective: To access the role of endotrainers of laparoscopic surgery in training of postgraduate general surgical trainees.
Material and Methods: This study was carried out at Skill lab of Surgical B Unit of Lady Reading Hospital, Postgraduate
Medical Institution (PGMI), Peshawar. Duration of the study was one month from June 2013 to July 2013. Fifteen surgical trainees from third year and fourth year of residency were included in this study.
Results: A home made, inexpensive endotrainer wooden box was used. The basic steps of laparoscopic surgery were chosen like Peg transfer, ligating endoloop, intracorporeal knotting and extracorporeal knotting. The time before starting training for all these three exercises was noted and it was compared with time after one month training on endotrainers. A cutoff time was not assigned for each task. The residents who were trained with the endotrainer performed the peg transfer task (at start of training it was 5 minutes 50 seconds vs. 2 minutes 35 seconds at end of training P=0.012). The group that was randomized to the endotrainer laparoscopic training also performed significantly more efficiently with the Endoloop task (12 minutes 45 seconds vs. 7 minutes P = .015) and intracorporeal knoting (7 minutes 13 seconds vs. 2 minutes 10 seconds, P = 0.049) at 1 months when compared with their initial evaluation. For extracorporeal knotting (11 minutes 40 seconds vs. 3 minutes 20 seconds P = 0.015). Residents were quick and safe at the end of one month training in basic laparoscopic skills.
Conclusion: Endotrainer is an excellent device for training in laparoscopy. It is a safe and convenient for surgical trainees to practice the various basic laparoscopic surgical without the pressures of the operating room.

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How to Cite
Jan, W. A., Lala, G.- e-., Khan, A. R., Aslam, V., Khan, S. M., & Ahmad, S. (2014). ROLE OF ENDOTRAINERS IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGICAL TRAINING OF YOUNG SURGEONS. Journal of Medical Sciences, 22(4), 185–188. Retrieved from

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