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Iqbal Haider
Aliena Badshah
Muhammad Hamayun


The fast of holy month of Ramadan is observed religiously across the globe by Muslims. During some seasons
and in some regions of the world, the duration of fast may extend from more than 15 hours over 24 hours, thereby
adding to the stress on bodies of people with physical limitations either due to illness or some other obstacle. Same
is the case with patients with liver disorders. This review article summarizes the effects of fasting on patients with liver
disorders and also sets forward some conclusions from previously conducted studies regarding fasting in patients with
acute hepatitis with or without liver failure, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), viral hepatitis B and C, chronic
hepatitis, Child grades A, B, and C cirrhosis, liver disorders and concomitant diabetes mellitus, and post-liver transplant.
The article concludes that fasting has proven to be beneficial in patients with NAFLD. Patients with chronic stable
hepatitis and Child grade A cirrhosis with no past history of variceal bleeds can safely fast while the other categories
of cirrhotics should refrain from fasting owing to high associated risks of hepatic decompensation. Patients with stable
viral hepatitis can also fast safely, while patients with acute liver failure, concomitant diabetes mellitus and post-liver
transplant patients should avoid fasting.

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How to Cite
Haider, I., Badshah, A., & Hamayun, M. (2017). RAMADAN AND LIVER DISORDERS. Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(4), 463–468. Retrieved from https://jmedsci.com/index.php/Jmedsci/article/view/19

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