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Ayesha Safdar
Raazia Mehmood
Maria Khan
Faryal Javaid
Ayesha Sajjad
Maria Tasneem Khattak
Iqbal Muhammad Khan


Objectives: To correlate the screening ability of ultrasound-based TIRADS with the FNAC-based Bethesda system when the latter is kept as a gold standard.

Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar 15th June 2022- 14th June 2023. A total of 363 patients from any age group of either gender diagnosed with thyroid nodules were included in the trial. All the participants underwent ultrasound followed by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules. TIRADS and Bethesda grading was done for each participant. Demographics and grading scores were recorded. Keeping Bethesda scoring as gold standard diagnostic performance of TIRADS grading was calculated.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 46.68 ± 12.28 years with a female-to-male ratio of 2.3:1.  TIRADS grading revealed 210 (69.8%) from TIRADS 2 while 70(82.4%), 12(50%), and 09(23.7%) patients were from TIRADS 3, 4 and 5 categories respectively. Bethesda grades were 301(82.9%), 21(5.8%), 09(2.5%), 28(7.7%), and 04(1.1%) from Bethesda 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 categories respectively. The sensitivity of the TIRADS was 93.8%, specificity 89.1%, positive predictive value 45%, negative predictive value 99.3%, and a diagnostic accuracy of 89.5%.

Conclusion: TIRADS grading has a high diagnostic ability when Bethesda scoring is kept as the gold standard. It can be used effectively in segregating benign from malignant nodules and is recommended for screening patients presenting with thyroid nodules.

Keywords: Biopsy, Fine-Needle, Sensitivity and Specificity, Thyroid Nodule

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How to Cite
Safdar, A., Mehmood, R., Khan, M., Javaid, F. ., Sajjad, A. ., Khattak, M. T., & Khan, I. M. (2024). THE CORRELATION BETWEEN BETHESDA SYSTEM AND ULTRASOUND-BASED TIRADS FOR REPORTING THYROID CYTOPATHOLOGY. Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 89–94.
Author Biographies

Ayesha Safdar, Rehman Medical Institute

DCP, Postgraduate resident, Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute.

Raazia Mehmood, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar

MBBS, Postgraduate resident, Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute.

Maria Khan, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar

MBBS, Postgraduate resident, Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute.

Faryal Javaid, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar

MBBS, Postgraduate resident, Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute.

Ayesha Sajjad, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar

MBBS, Postgraduate resident, Histopathology department, Rehman Medical Institute.

Maria Tasneem Khattak, Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar

FCPS, Associate Professor and Consultant Histopathologist, Rehman Medical Institute/Rehman College of Dentistry (RMI/RCD).

Iqbal Muhammad Khan

Professor and Consultant Histopathologist, Rehman Medical Institute.